Semos Education Semos Education
  • Ponedeljak-Petak 9:00AM - 5:00PM
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  • Sertifikati

Ova obuka podučava IT stručnjake da konfigurišu napredne usluge Windows Server -a koristeći lokalne, hibridne i cloud tehnologije.

Takođe, naučiće IT stručnjake kako da osiguraju hibridne mogućnosti Azure-a, kako da premeste virtuelna i fizička opterećena servera na Azure IaaS i kako da osigura Azure VMs-ove koje koji koristi Windows Server.

Obuka će podučiti IT stručnjake kako da obavljaju zadatke koji se odnose na visoku dostupnost, rešavanje problema i oporavak od moguće katastrofe.

Obuka ističe administrativne alate i tehnologije, uključujući Windows Admin Center, PowerShell, Azure Arc, Azure Automation Update Management, Microsoft Defender for Identity, Azure Security Center, Azure Migrate i Azure Monitor.

Secure Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures

  • Module 1: Implement Windows Server IaaS VM network security
  • Module 2: Audit the security of Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines
  • Module 3: Manage Azure updates
  • Module 4: Create and implement application allowlists with adaptive application control
  • Module 5: Configure BitLocker disk encryption for Windows IaaS Virtual Machines
  • Module 6: Implement change tracking and file integrity monitoring for Windows IaaS VMs
  • Module 7: Secure Windows Server DNS
  • Module 8: Secure Windows Server user accounts
  • Module 9: Hardening Windows Server
  • Module 10: Windows Server update management

Implement Windows Server high availability

  • Module 1: Introduction to Cluster Shared Volumes
  • Module 2: Implement Windows Server failover clustering
  • Module 3: Implement high availability of Windows Server VMs
  • Module 4: Implement Windows Server File Server high availability
  • Module 5: Implement scale and high availability with Windows Server VM

Implement disaster recovery in Windows Server on-premises and hybrid environments

  • Module 1: Implement Hyper-V Replica
  • Module 2: Implement hybrid backup and recovery with Windows Server IaaS
  • Module 3: Protect your on-premises infrastructure from disasters with Azure Site Recovery
  • Module 4: Protect your Azure infrastructure with Azure Site Recovery
  • Module 5: Protect your virtual machines by using Azure Backup

Migrate servers and workloads in on-premises and hybrid environments

  • Module 1: Migrate on-premises Windows Server instances to Azure IaaS virtual machines
  • Module 2: Upgrade and migrate Windows Server IaaS virtual machines
  • Module 3: Active Directory Domain Services migration
  • Module 4: Migrate file server workloads using Storage Migration Service
  • Module 5: Migrate Windows Server roles
  • Module 6: Containerize and migrate ASP.NET applications to Azure App Service

Monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments

  • Module 1: Monitor Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines and hybrid instances
  • Module 2: Monitor your Azure virtual machines with Azure Monitor
  • Module 3: Monitor Windows Server performance
  • Module 4: Manage and monitor Windows Server event logs
  • Module 5: Implement Windows Server auditing and diagnostics
  • Module 6: Troubleshoot on-premises and hybrid networking
  • Module 7: Troubleshoot Windows Server Virtual Machines in Azure
  • Module 8: Troubleshoot Active Directory

Ova obuka je namenjena Windows Server Hybrid Administrator-i  koji imaju iskustva u radu sa Windows Server-om i žele da prošire kapacitet njihovog lokalnog okruženja kombinujući lokalne i hibridne tehnologije.

Windows Server Hybrid Administrator-i koji već implementiraju i upravljaju osnovama lokalne tehnologije žele da obezbede i zaštite njihovo okruženje, premeštaju virtuelna i fizička oštećenja u Azure Iaas, omogućavaju visoko dostupno, redudantno okruženje i vrše praćenje i rešavanje probleme.

Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate nakon uspešnog završetka ispita AZ-800: Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructurei ispita AZ-801: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services.



Ova obuka podučava IT stručnjake da konfigurišu napredne usluge Windows Server -a koristeći lokalne, hibridne i cloud tehnologije.

Takođe, naučiće IT stručnjake kako da osiguraju hibridne mogućnosti Azure-a, kako da premeste virtuelna i fizička opterećena servera na Azure IaaS i kako da osigura Azure VMs-ove koje koji koristi Windows Server.

Obuka će podučiti IT stručnjake kako da obavljaju zadatke koji se odnose na visoku dostupnost, rešavanje problema i oporavak od moguće katastrofe.

Obuka ističe administrativne alate i tehnologije, uključujući Windows Admin Center, PowerShell, Azure Arc, Azure Automation Update Management, Microsoft Defender for Identity, Azure Security Center, Azure Migrate i Azure Monitor.


Secure Windows Server on-premises and hybrid infrastructures

  • Module 1: Implement Windows Server IaaS VM network security
  • Module 2: Audit the security of Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines
  • Module 3: Manage Azure updates
  • Module 4: Create and implement application allowlists with adaptive application control
  • Module 5: Configure BitLocker disk encryption for Windows IaaS Virtual Machines
  • Module 6: Implement change tracking and file integrity monitoring for Windows IaaS VMs
  • Module 7: Secure Windows Server DNS
  • Module 8: Secure Windows Server user accounts
  • Module 9: Hardening Windows Server
  • Module 10: Windows Server update management

Implement Windows Server high availability

  • Module 1: Introduction to Cluster Shared Volumes
  • Module 2: Implement Windows Server failover clustering
  • Module 3: Implement high availability of Windows Server VMs
  • Module 4: Implement Windows Server File Server high availability
  • Module 5: Implement scale and high availability with Windows Server VM

Implement disaster recovery in Windows Server on-premises and hybrid environments

  • Module 1: Implement Hyper-V Replica
  • Module 2: Implement hybrid backup and recovery with Windows Server IaaS
  • Module 3: Protect your on-premises infrastructure from disasters with Azure Site Recovery
  • Module 4: Protect your Azure infrastructure with Azure Site Recovery
  • Module 5: Protect your virtual machines by using Azure Backup

Migrate servers and workloads in on-premises and hybrid environments

  • Module 1: Migrate on-premises Windows Server instances to Azure IaaS virtual machines
  • Module 2: Upgrade and migrate Windows Server IaaS virtual machines
  • Module 3: Active Directory Domain Services migration
  • Module 4: Migrate file server workloads using Storage Migration Service
  • Module 5: Migrate Windows Server roles
  • Module 6: Containerize and migrate ASP.NET applications to Azure App Service

Monitor and troubleshoot Windows Server environments

  • Module 1: Monitor Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines and hybrid instances
  • Module 2: Monitor your Azure virtual machines with Azure Monitor
  • Module 3: Monitor Windows Server performance
  • Module 4: Manage and monitor Windows Server event logs
  • Module 5: Implement Windows Server auditing and diagnostics
  • Module 6: Troubleshoot on-premises and hybrid networking
  • Module 7: Troubleshoot Windows Server Virtual Machines in Azure
  • Module 8: Troubleshoot Active Directory
За кого е наменет

Ova obuka je namenjena Windows Server Hybrid Administrator-i  koji imaju iskustva u radu sa Windows Server-om i žele da prošire kapacitet njihovog lokalnog okruženja kombinujući lokalne i hibridne tehnologije.

Windows Server Hybrid Administrator-i koji već implementiraju i upravljaju osnovama lokalne tehnologije žele da obezbede i zaštite njihovo okruženje, premeštaju virtuelna i fizička oštećenja u Azure Iaas, omogućavaju visoko dostupno, redudantno okruženje i vrše praćenje i rešavanje probleme.


Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate nakon uspešnog završetka ispita AZ-800: Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructurei ispita AZ-801: Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services.


Dosadašnja iskustva

Šta su rekli naši polaznici o nama

  • - Marko Krstevski Student za Microsoft .NET

    Želeći da proširim svoje znanje, odlučio sam da se upišem u Semos Education gde dobijam potrebno znanje i iskustvo.

  • - Viktorija Georgieva Mentorka letnjeg programa za Python Developer-a

    Reputacija Semos Education-a za kvalitetnu obuku i mogućnost učenja od iskusnih instruktora odigrala je značajnu ulogu u mojoj odluci.

  • - Borče Peltekovski Akreditirana Akademija za grafički dizajn

    Po završetku kurseva u Semos Education-u, vidim sebe u nekoj kompaniji koja radi sa tehnologijom, kao što su na primer Samsung, Apple ili kompanija sličnog kalibra.

Upoznajte instruktore

  • Goce Argirov Microsoft Consultant and Certified Trainer

    CIO @Semos Education

    14+ godina iskustva
  • Dejan Kumpanioski

    Microsoft Certified Trainer

    System Administrator @Semos Education

    14+godina iskustva

  • Martin Dimovski
    Senior DevOps/DevSecOps Engineer 
    @ ABN AMRO 

    15 + години искуство
  • Branko Belinski  

    Senior System Administrator for Information Security,

    Cyber ​​Defense and Crypto Protection

    @Army of NRM


    +20 godina iskustva
