Semos Education Semos Education
  • Ponedeljak-Petak 9:00AM - 5:00PM
  • Javi nam se: +381 63 4567 50
  • Piši nam:
EN / МК / RS
  • Opis
  • Sadržaj
  • Kome je namenjeno
  • Sertifikati

In this learning path, the student is exposed to various ways to:

  • Source streaming data sources into Microsoft Fabric.
  • Use real time Eventstream in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Create real time dashboards in Microsoft Fabric.

Implement Real-Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric

  • Module 1: Get started with Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 2: Use real time eventstreams in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 3: Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric

The student should be able to:

  • Log in to the Azure portal.
  • Explain and create resource groups.
  • Understand the concept of streaming data.

In this learning path, the student is exposed to various ways to:

  • Source streaming data sources into Microsoft Fabric.
  • Use real time Eventstream in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Create real time dashboards in Microsoft Fabric.

Implement Real-Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric

  • Module 1: Get started with Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 2: Use real time eventstreams in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 3: Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric
За кого е наменет

The student should be able to:

  • Log in to the Azure portal.
  • Explain and create resource groups.
  • Understand the concept of streaming data.

Dosadašnja iskustva

Šta su rekli naši polaznici o nama

  • - Marko Krstevski Student za Microsoft .NET

    Želeći da proširim svoje znanje, odlučio sam da se upišem u Semos Education gde dobijam potrebno znanje i iskustvo.

  • - Teodor Markovski Student

    Želja da postanem Cloud arhitekta dovela me do Semos Education-a. Oduševljen sam pozitivnim iskustvima bivših studenata i načinom na koji predavači i Karijerni centar brinu o studentima.

  • - Maja Angeleska Polaznica ISTQB za Software Tester

    Čula sam mnogo pozitivnih komentara i gledajući sadržaj programa uopšte nisam imala dilemu oko izbora Semos Education-a i Software Tester Akademije.

  • - Nataša Jovanovski QA konsultant u Solutionade-u

    Radim kao QA konsultant u Solutionade-u. Završni projekat, najinteresantniji deo studija, pomogao mi je da savladam materijal i pokažem znanje na realnom projektu. Ne dvoumite se da napravite promenu karijere, samo tako ćete ostvariti sve svoje ciljeve.
