Semos Education Semos Education
  • Ponedeljak-Petak 9:00AM - 5:00PM
  • Javi nam se: +381 63 4567 50
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EN / МК / RS
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  • Sertifikati

Explore the data science process and learn how to train machine learning models to accomplish artificial intelligence in Microsoft Fabric.

Implement a data science and machine learning solution for AI in Microsoft Fabric

  • Module 1: Get started with data science in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 2: Explore data for data science with notebooks in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 3: Preprocess data with Data Wrangler in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 4: Train and track machine learning models with MLflow in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 5: Generate batch predictions using a deployed model in Microsoft Fabric


  • You should be familiar with basic data concepts and terminology.

Applied Skills Assessment – Implement a data science and machine learning solution for AI in Microsoft Fabric


Explore the data science process and learn how to train machine learning models to accomplish artificial intelligence in Microsoft Fabric.


Implement a data science and machine learning solution for AI in Microsoft Fabric

  • Module 1: Get started with data science in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 2: Explore data for data science with notebooks in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 3: Preprocess data with Data Wrangler in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 4: Train and track machine learning models with MLflow in Microsoft Fabric
  • Module 5: Generate batch predictions using a deployed model in Microsoft Fabric
За кого е наменет


  • You should be familiar with basic data concepts and terminology.

Applied Skills Assessment – Implement a data science and machine learning solution for AI in Microsoft Fabric

Dosadašnja iskustva

Šta su rekli naši polaznici o nama

  • - Marko Krstevski Student za Microsoft .NET

    Želeći da proširim svoje znanje, odlučio sam da se upišem u Semos Education gde dobijam potrebno znanje i iskustvo.

  • - Teodor Markovski Student

    Želja da postanem Cloud arhitekta dovela me do Semos Education-a. Oduševljen sam pozitivnim iskustvima bivših studenata i načinom na koji predavači i Karijerni centar brinu o studentima.

  • - Maja Angeleska Polaznica ISTQB za Software Tester

    Čula sam mnogo pozitivnih komentara i gledajući sadržaj programa uopšte nisam imala dilemu oko izbora Semos Education-a i Software Tester Akademije.

  • - Nataša Jovanovski QA konsultant u Solutionade-u

    Radim kao QA konsultant u Solutionade-u. Završni projekat, najinteresantniji deo studija, pomogao mi je da savladam materijal i pokažem znanje na realnom projektu. Ne dvoumite se da napravite promenu karijere, samo tako ćete ostvariti sve svoje ciljeve.
